First off, a big thanks to the 79 people who voted and helped make this list!
Big massive thanks goto these pimps:
619, American, Backdoor99, Bazzil, Bernie42, Billiam, Blade21, BloodStain, BobbyRubble, captcharisma, chacalus, clayfox, cocuzzo, Colt45, Darkgod, Dasennaytis , Ditch, dcb02, dgitl, djmadness, drg, edgehead10, Embrace, Ernest419, erSavage, Fangblast, fatty37, Floyd, frogger777, Fupanddie, greatgazoo19, Grimmas, ICB, ifjh, j0k3r911, jack, jayfreebyrd, jesushat, jbails007, jrtron4567, Juandixon, Killowatt, LjHeights, loubat, Lukin01, mackie, manik978, Marklar, mattman1624, nyarlathotep, Onita, oreol, Oscar, omergd1, Parties, Pattitude, PaulOrndorff, philbren, poroster, pos0675, PsychoSon, punk123, RaultioMagico, Ray, simireager, squeakerau, Sqndo, spuds, sXeSupreme, sonnyx, tigerdriver, tommasi, trakteras, weltenbaum, Xias, Vertibreaker, youell, ZetaGundam
... If you didn't vote and bitch about a pick it's your own fault!
Some comparisons:
Number of users that voted
PWT 1.0 - 106
PWT 2.0 - 79
Number of wrestlers that received votes
PWT 1.0 - Number of matches: 695
PWT 2.0 - Number of matches: 785
Total Points Possible:
PWT 1.0 - 60,855
PWT 2.0 - 69,216
- I'll post a big list of all 785 matches who were voted on after.
And (of course) the countdown starts off with a Tie for #100!
#101. JWP Vs. AJW Thunderqueen Battle
(153pts / 6 votes)
JWP Thunder Queen Battle in Yokohoma (July 31st, 1993)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #7
Point Average: 25.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #100 Match: Bret Hart Vs. Steve Austin Vs. The Undertaker Vs. Vader (WWF - 2/16/97)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Dynamite Kansai, Mayumi Ozaki, Cuty Suzuki & Hikari Fukuoka (JWP team)
Aja Kong, Kyoko Inoue, Takako Inoue & Sakie Hasegawa (AJW team)
The feud between Japan Women's Project and All-Japan Women promotions continues with this unique match. The rules are there are four 5 minute mini-Iron-women single matches. Then after that the remaining 40 minutes is a 4 X 4 tag team match. Whichever team has the most falls at the 60:00 minute mark wins the match and promotional bragging rights.
Bruisers Aja Kong and Dynamite Kansai were the focus of the match, constantly beating up their opponent then taking time ti talk trash to each other. Kyoko Inoue and Ozaki butted heads with Inoue getting busted up hardway and Ozaki sporting a black eye. Each team had a unique wrestler that made for fun matchups and a great dream match for the fans.
#100. The Rock Vs. Hulk Hogan
(153pts / 7 votes)
WWF Wrestlemania 18 (March 17th, 2002)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #6
Point Average: 21.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #27 [-73]
Previous PWT Top #100 Match: The Steiner Brothers Vs. Lex Lugar & Sting (WCW - 5/19/91)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ***
After WCW folded the Hulkster’s future was in doubt, brother. Until Vince McMahon went all psycho and hired Hogan and his New World Order to bring down the WWF from within. After the N.W.O. beat the crap out of the Rock, then slammed a truck through his ambulance for good measure, this dream match up was set for the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania! Although expecting a huge chorus of boos, the Hulkster instead was greeted by a thunderous applause from the near 70,000 fans in Toronto. Now Hogan’s got to show if he’s got the gas left in the tank for that one more match. But the Rock isn’t about to give him the win easily.
#99. Jim Duggan Vs. Ted DiBiase (No DQ, Loser Leaves Town, Coal Miner's Glove on a Poll, Tuxedo, Cage match)
(154pts / 6 votes)
Mid-South (March 22nd, 1985)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 25.7
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #99 Match: Stan Hansen Vs. Vader (New Japan / All Japan - 2/10/90)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
Once tag team partners in crime, now Duggan and DiBiase have been feuding on and off for 2 years. The Vince Russoesque-proportion of the stipulations may seem silly but there's a method of madness for each one. The cage is to ensure no escape. The coal miner's glove is in reference to Dibiase's deadly "loaded" glove, and now both guys can use the weapon. The tuxedo harkens back to when Jim Duggan was viciously attacked by DiBiase while wearing a tuxedo to accept his "Athlete of the Year" award and the following best-dressed man competition (which Duggan also won). And the Loser-Leaves-Town stip is the ultimate feud ender. A barbaric and bloody brawl. Voted the #1 Mid-South match of the 80's by DVDVR.
#98. Aja Kong Vs. Manami Toyota
(155pts / 5 votes)
All Japan Women Big Egg Wrestling Universe (November 20th, 1994)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #9
Point Average: 31.0
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #98 Match: Bryan Danielson Vs. Christopher Daniels Vs. Low Ki (ROH - 2/23/02)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
From arguably the largest and most successful women's show ever, grossing $4 million dollars. 42,500 fans packed the Tokyo Dome to watch.... women wrestle?. For those who don't know them, Aja Kong is basically Vader and Toyota is incredibly undersized. This was an opening round match for the Five Star Tournament which ran throughout the 10 hour event. Kong's got the size and strength but Totota has heart and speed on her side. Who goes to the next round? Who survives to the next round?
#97. Dean Malenko Vs. Eddie Guerrero (2/3 Falls)
(155pts / 6 votes)
ECW Arena (August 26th, 1995)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 25.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #42 [-55]
Previous PWT Top #97 Match: Bryan Danielson Vs. Paul London (ROH - 2/3 Falls - 4/12/03)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
Malenko and Guerrero had a tremendous feud over the ECW T.V. title in 1995. Never the biggest guys on the wrestling scene, Guerrero and Malenko made up for it with their hard work and determination.They brought their Japanese honed scientific and athletic style to the hardcore promotion. Both guys signed with WCW and ECW fans knew this was their last match for ECW. Known for their obnoxious bitterness to what they perceived as sell-out for their loyal promotion, instead the ECW fans gave both guys a standing ovation and an emotional send-off after witnessing a great finale to their classic series of matches.
#96. Keiji Mutoh Vs. Masahiro Chono
(160pts / 7 votes)
New Japan G-1 Climax Finals (August 11th, 1991)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: -
Highest Vote: #15
Point Average: 22.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #96 Match: Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Mitsuharu Misawa (All Japan - 6/8/90)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
This is the finals of New Japan's annual G-1 tournament. Both guys were tag team partners and already considered the future superstars of the promotion for the 90's (Along with fellow alumni Shinya Hashimoto). Whoever wins not only would be considered a top contender for the IWGP World title, but it'll give the winner an edge on who is the best of the threesome. There's really no hatred in the match but a big main event feel from determined wrestlers. A red hot crowd helps too.
#95. Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardy Boyz (Ladder Match)
(162pts / 7 votes)
WWF No Mercy (October 17th, 1999)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #6
Point Average: 23.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #46 [-49]
Previous PWT Top #95 Match: Magnum T.A. Vs. Tully Blanchard (NWA - I-Quit Cage match - 11/28/85)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
The finals of the prestigious Terri Invitational Tournament. Ladder matches were seen in the WWF before, but never before a tag team ladder match. Both teams amped up the insane spots to never before heights stunning the crowd with their originality and in one match elevated both teams from run of the mill mid-carders to show-stealing teams.
#94. El Samurai Vs. Koji Kanemoto
(164pts / 8 votes)
New Japan Best of Super Junior Tournament Finals (June 5th, 1997)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: -
Highest Vote: #20
Point Average: 20.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #94 Match: Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rob Van Dam (WWF - Ladder match - 5/27/02)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Never a stranger to the BOSJ Finals, El Samurai goes for the elusive win once again, this time against Kanemoto. Kanemoto plays the heel with his stiff leg kicks and smirks all while trying to tear off Samurai's mask. It becomes apparent that El Samurai is overmatched this night but he never gives up and uses his wrestling and submission skills to make the comeback. Features one of the nastiest movies in wrestling history.
#93. Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Kenta Kobashi
(167pts / 6 votes)
All Japan Giant Series (October 31st, 1998)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #5
Point Average: 27.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #93 Match: The 2004 Royal Rumble (WWF - 1/25/04)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Wrestling Observer's 1998 Match of the Year. Kobashi defends the All Japan Triple Crown against Misawa. Kobashi's never beaten Misawa in a big title match, can he break the curse tonight? Match goes 45 minutes with insane stiff strikes and career ending spots.
#92. Kurt Angle Vs. The Undertaker
(167pts / 8 votes)
WWF No Way Out (February 19th, 2006)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #5
Point Average: 20.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #59 [-33]
Previous PWT Top #92 Match: The Elimination Chamber III (WWF - 1/9/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****
PWT Forums 2006 Match of the Year. Kurt Angle defends his new Smackdown World Championship against the Dead Man. Undertaker brings his striking skills up against the former Olympian in an exciting match. It seems both guys are going for submissions for the win.
#91. Don Kernodle & Sgt Slaughter Vs. Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood
(168pts / 5 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
Mid-Atlantic Final Conflict (March 12th, 1983)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 33.6
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #91 Match: Bret Hart Vs. Roddy Piper (WWF - 4/5/92)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
The Road to Greenboro was a harsh one but it all ends tonight inside the confines of a steel cage. Slaughter & Kernodle defend the NWA World tag team titles against up-and-comers Steamboat & Youngblood. The match drew 15,000 fans (with thousands more turned away) astonishing promoters and planting the idea of closed-circuit and Starcade.
#90. Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi Vs. Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada
(169pts / 5 votes)
All Japan Real World Tag League Tournament Finals (December 3rd, 1993)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #7
Point Average: 33.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #90 Match: Sabu Vs. Shane Douglas Vs. Terry Funk (ECW - 2/5/94)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Maybe the Four biggest names in the 90's for All Japan. This is the finals of the annual RWTL Tag Team Tournament. An added bonus is the winning team gets the vacated All Japan Unified Tag Team titles. Misawa and Kawada were the big matchup as their feud was getting heated. This is only the beginning of their classic series of matches.
#89. Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Mitsuharu Misawa
(169pts / 5 votes)
All Japan (September 1st, 1990)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #6
Point Average: 33.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #89 Match: The 1987 Wargames (NWA - 7/4/87)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
Having lost their classic June match, this is the rematch and a chance for legend Tsuruta to get his win back. Has Tsuruta learned from the mistakes he made last time? Jumbo definitely looks more determined this night and is more aggressive. And if Misawa wins again it'll certain boost him even further up the ladder.
#88. Mankind Vs. The Rock (I-Quit Match)
(174pts / 8 votes)
WWF Royal Rumble (January 24th, 1999)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #5
Point Average: 21.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #36 [-52]
Previous PWT Top #88 Match: Ric Flair Vs. Ricky Steamboat (NWA - 2/20/89)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ***1/4
WWF World champ Mankind defends his title against The Rock. Mankind only accepted the title match under the dangerous I-Quit rules, where anything goes and the match can't be stopped until one man admits defeat to a packed audience. Match goes all over the arena. An extremely brutal match.
#87. Masato Tanaka Vs. Mike Awesome
(179pts / 8 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
WWF/ECW One Night Stand (June 12th, 2005)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 22.4
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #35 [-52]
Previous PWT Top #87 Match: Akira Hokuto Vs. Shinobu Kandori (AJW - 4/2/93)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
One Night Stand was a great show and probably the best match was Mike Awesome/Masato Tanaka. They were known for the hard hitting matches from their feud in FMW and ECW and this was no exception. Tanaka refused to go down even with all the destruction a bewildered Awesome throws at him.
#86. The Great Muta Vs. Hiroshi Hase
(180pts / 8 votes)
New Japan (December 14th, 1992)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 22.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #86 Match: Team Alliance Vs. Team WWF (WWF - Elimination match - 11/18/01)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
In their 1990 match Hase bleed profusely. This time it's Muta's turn and the blood got so bad that the "Muta scale" was spawned from this match, a scale used to gauge the amount of blood a wrestler loses. At one point Hase bites the wound then spits out a spray of blood much like Muta does. Despite this Muta refuses to go down and makes the comeback to the cheers and awe of the fans.
#85. Bret Hart Vs. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig
(187pts / 7 votes)
WWF King of the Ring Semi-Finals (June 13th, 1993)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #9
Point Average: 22.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #83 [-2]
Previous PWT Top #85 Match: Rob Van Dam Vs. Sabu (ECW - 8/3/96)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
The first PPV King of the Ring Tournament may still be the best and this was an great Semi-Final match. Both are good guy fan favorites and start the match of respectfully but it soon turns aggressive towards the end. Curt Hennig was coming back from what was thought to be a career-ending back injury but he didn't miss a beat. Both guys pulled out all the stops to live up to the reputation of their earlier classic matches.
#84. Hulk Hogan Vs. The Ultimate Warrior
(188pts / 8 votes)
WWF Wrestlemania 6 (April 1st, 1990)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 20.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #44 [-40]
Previous PWT Top #84 Match: KENTA Vs. Low Ki (ROH - 12/17/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ***3/4
The two biggest names in the WWF (And the two champions) square off in a dream match at Wrestlemania in front of nearly 70,000 fans. It was a match better than anyone could've expected with both guys going back and forth along with the fans support in an epic match up. The torch was passed!
#83. Atlantis vs. Villano III (Mask Vs. Mask)
(189pts / 6 votes)
EMLL PPV (March 17th, 2000)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #4
Point Average: 27.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #83 Match: Bret Hart Vs. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig (6/13/93)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
Wrestling Observer's 2000 Match of the Year. A sell out crowd of 20,000 fans packed the Mexico Arena to see EMLL's first PPV. Both guys are 20+ year veterans and tonight one of them will lose their legendary mask. A highly dramatic match with close-call near falls and impressive sheer determination shown from both men. An exhausting and emotional match. Even at the end when someone does lose their mask, it's clear they gave it their all and honored their masks legacy.
#82. The Canadian Stampede 10-Man Tag
(190pts / 9 votes)
WWF Canadian Stampede (July 6th, 1997)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 21.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #82 Match: Jerry Lynn Vs. Rob Van Dam (ECW - 3/21/99)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Owen Hart, The British Bulldog, & Brian Pillman)
Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock, Goldust, & The Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal)
To combat the evil and hated Hart Foundation a conglomeration of fan favorites formed a super group. Be everything is different in Canada where the Hart Foundation were welcomed as national heroes. Maybe the hottest crowd ever. The screen periodically shakes from the vibrations of the fans cheering. Austin was the #1 heel tonight starting fights with ringside spectators (Hart Family) and eventually getting arrested,
#81. 16-Man Cibernetico Match
(192pts / 7 votes)
CMLL (April 18th, 1997
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #4
Point Average: 27.4
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #81 Match: Los Gringos Locos (AAA - Eddie Guerrero & Art Barr) Vs. Octagon & El Hijo De Santo (2/3 Falls, Hair Vs. Masks - 11/6/94)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
Negro Casas, Atlantis, Ultimo Dragon, El Dandy, Mascara Magica, Shocker, La Fiera & Brazo De Oro
El Hijo del Santo, Dr. Wagner Jr., Felino, Scorpio, Jr., Black Warrior, Kevin Quinn, Satanico & Silver King
The rules are it's a 8 Vs. 8 tag match. Where you lose your eliminated and the match continues until there's only one wrestler left. One of the big matchups is El Hijo del Santo and Negro Casas who are reigniting their decade old feud. Super fast paced match that goes almost an hour with a who's who of lucha stars. Voted the #1 lucha libre match of the 90's by DVDVR.
#80. Akira Maeda Vs. Tatsumi Fujinami
(198pts / 5 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
New Japan (June 12th, 1986)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 39.6
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #80 Match: Kane Vs. The Undertaker (WWF - 3/29/98)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
One of the best feuds of the 80's was the New Japan Vs. UWF inter-promotional feud. Although New Japan was led by Antonio Inoki, most considered his protege the better wrestler at the time. A bloody and exhausted Fujinami nearly won an elimination match a month before, almost single handidly defeating the UWF crew until last competitor Maede put him away. Now they get their singles match with both guys representing their promotion. Maede is known for his stiff kicks and submissions moves Vs. Fujinami's technical skill and determination.
#79. "Dr. Death" Steve Williams Vs. Kenta Kobashi
(201pts / 6 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
All Japan (August 31st, 1993)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 33.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #79 Match: HHH Vs. The Rock (WWF - Ladder match - 8/30/98)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Trying to make a name for himself, Kobashi takes on the Doc in a hard hitting match. Dr. Death can definitely dish it out but Kobashi is determined to take it and eventually get the win. Features not one, but two of the nastiest moves you will ever see, both occurring within 30 seconds of each other.
#78. Naomichi Marufuji Vs. KENTA
(201pts / 8 votes)
NOAH Autumn Navigation (October 29th, 2006)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: -
Highest Vote: #11
Point Average: 25.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #78 Match: HHH Vs. Ric Flair (WWF - Last Man Standing match - 11/27/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
Stunning the wrestling world by winning the GHC Heavyweight World title, Marufuji first major defense is agianst his long time tag team partner KENTA. Lots of crazy moves and nearfalls in this 40+ minute match. Jr. main eventing, what a concept!
#77. Bryan Danielson Vs. KENTA
(201pts / 8 votes)
ROH Glory by Honor V, Night 2 (September 16th, 2006)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #5
Point Average: 25.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #77 Match: A.J. Styles Vs. Samoa Joe (TNA - 8/14/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
Two of the best in the world at the time go at it in a dream match. Despite a heavily injured shoulder, Danielson still defends the ROH World title against NOAH's star KENTA. Will KENTA grab the gold and bring it back top Japan?
#76. Ric Flair Vs. Barry Windham
(203pts / 9 votes)
NWA World Wide Wrestling (January 20th, 1987)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 22.6
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #76 Match: A.J. Styles Vs. Christopher Daniels (TNA - 30 min. Iron-Man - 10/23/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
Windham goes for the NWA World title once again in another classic Flair match. Match went 45 minutes on free TV and it looked like Windham had the title sewn up, but that Flair won't stay down for the 3 count!
#75. Nick Bockwinkle Vs. Curt Hennig
(204pts / 8 votes)
AWA on ESPN (November 21st, 1986)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 25.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #75 Match: Shawn Michaels Vs. HHH (WWF - Hell in the Cell match - 6/13/04)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
This was shown free on ESPN on New Years Eve. Bockwinkle defends the AWA World title against #1 contender Curt Hennig. Match went an hour and was a mix of old school mat work and some flashy moves by Mr. Perfect. A very good match indeed!
#74. Low Ki Vs. KENTA
(204pts / 11 votes)
ROH Final Battle (December 17th, 2005)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #10
Point Average: 18.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #84 [+10]
Previous PWT Top #74 Match: Shawn Michaels Vs. Steve Austin (WWF - 3/29/98)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
Dream match up set at ROH's Yearly big show. Although these two had meet in NOAH before, this time it's Stateside and Low Ki's got the crowd on his side. A hard hitting match full of harsh kicks, spine crunching suplexes and harsh language.
#73. Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Genichiro Tenryu
(210pts / 9 votes)
All Japan (June 5th, 1989)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #5
Point Average: 23.3
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #74 Match: Juventud Guerrera Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. (ECW - 2/3 Falls - 3/9/96)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Tsuruta had just unified 3 Championships belts into the famous "Triple-Crown" of All-Japan. One of his first defenses was against long time ex-tag team partner and long time nemesis Tenryu. Outstanding match from start to finish especially the near-falls at the end harkening to the future 90's All-Japan main events. Tenryu was actually getting the better of Tsuruta in recent bouts but this time Jumbo wasn't going to lose his new legacy so easily.
#72. Akira Taue, Jumbo Tsuruta & Masa Fuchi Vs. Mitsuharu Misawa, Toshiaki Kawada & Kenta Kobashi
(212pts / 6 votes)
All Japan (April 20th, 1991)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #6
Point Average: 35.3
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #72 Match: Brock Lesnar Vs. Eddie Guerrero (WWF - 2/15/04)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
The Jumbo Vs. Misawa feud that raged in the early 90's wasn't secluded to singles matches but also spawned a multitude of great 4-man and 6-man tag team bouts. This was a superb near hour long tag match that had the usual Tsuruta/Misawa heat but also Taue and Kawada trying to beat the crap out of each other. Kobashi tried to be the hero but ended up getting his knee worked over. Also features a "Fuchi" chant which automatically makes this a great match for me.
#71. Rob Van Dam Vs. Jerry Lynn
(212pts / 9 votes)
ECW Hardcore Heaven (May 16th, 1999)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #5
Point Average: 23.6
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #48 [-24]
Previous PWT Top #71 Match: Andre the Giant Vs. Hulk Hogan (WWF - 3/31/87)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
The arrogant but talented Rob Van Dam may have met his match. Jerry Lynn has come close to winning the ECW T.V. title on more than one occasion and this may be the best match of their classic series. Both guys get busted hardway in this match but keep going. Chairs get bent galore.
#70. Kurt Angle Vs. Brock Lesnar
(212pts / 9 votes)
WWF Wrestlemania 19 (March 30th, 2003)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 23.6
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #28 [-42]
Previous PWT Top #70 Match: Chris Benoit Vs. Kurt Angle (WWF - 4/1/01)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
Kurt Angle defends the Smackdown World title against Brock Lesnar. Both guys were NCAA Champions and quick learners to the game of wrestling. Angle was so injured going into this match that he wasn't supposed to wrestle (perhaps ever again) It's suplexes, suplexes, and mo' suplexes headlining Wrestlemania!
#69. Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi Vs. Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada
(213pts / 6 votes)
All Japan (May 21st, 1994)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #4
Point Average: 35.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #69 Match: Chris Benoit Vs. Chris Jericho (WWF - Ladder match - 1/21/01)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
The rematch from their 1993 RWTL match. This time it's Kobashi & Misawa defending the Unified World title against the Holy Demon Army. The big Misawa/Kawada matchup is only two weeks away so this is a preview of that title defense.
#68. Brock Lesnar Vs. Eddie Guerrero
(217pts / 10 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
WWF No Way Out (February 15th, 2004)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 19.7
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #72 [+4]
Previous PWT Top #68 Match: Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle Vs. Edge & Rey Mysterio Jr. (WWF - 10/20/02)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****
Brock Lesnar was gearing up for Wrestlemania, the only problem was he had to get passed Eddie Guerrero. In a dramatic and awesome upset, Guerrero won the Smackdown World title in a great 30 minute match.
#67. Shawn Michaels Vs. Diesel
(218pts / 7 votes)
WWF Good Friends, Better Enemies (April 28th, 1996)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 31.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #67 Match: Ric Flair Vs. Randy Savage (WWF - 4/5/92)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
Former bodyguard and tag team partner, Clique member Diesel takes on Shawn Michaels in a anything No-DQ fight. Diesel tosses Shawn Michaels around like garbage but HBK won't stay down.
#66. The Rock Vs. HHH (60 Minute Iron-Man Match)
(228pts / 11 votes)
WWF Judgment Day (May 21st, 2000)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 20.7
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #31 [-35]
Previous PWT Top #66 Match: Chris Benoit Vs. The Great Sasuke (New Japan - 4/16/94)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****
The Rock defends the WWF World title against perennial foe Triple-H. The first hour Iron man match (On PPV at least) was considered such a classic that these two had a lot to live up to. Whoever has the most falls at the end of 60 minutes will be the winner. In order to keep da law and order Shawn Michaels was assigned as the special referee. Will he call it down the middle or help out his old Clique buddy HHH? They started off strong and kept it going, including HHH using some smart tactics to gain some wins. The finish and winning fall was as close as you can get.
#65. Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada Vs. Dynamite Kansai & Mayumi Ozaki (2/3 Falls)
(233pts / 7 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
All Japan Women Dream Rush (November 26th, 1992)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 33.3
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #65 Match: Cactus Jack Vs. HHH (WWF - Hell-in-the-Cell - 2/7/00)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
The Dream Rush Supershow featured this Promotion Vs. Promotion Dream match. Totoya/Yamada representing All Japan Women, Kansai/Ozaki representing Japan Women's Project. The shit started right out of the gate as moments after signing the match Kansai smacked Yamada as hard as anyone huge women could and Yamada didn't even flinch. Match went back and forth but was pretty much non-stop action for 40 minutes.
#64. Naoki Sano Vs. Jushin Liger
(244pts / 10 votes)
New Japan (January 31st, 1990)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #9
Point Average: 24.4
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #64 Match: A.J. Styles Vs. Christopher Daniels (TNA - 30-Min Iron Man match - 2/13/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
Wrestling Observer's 1990 Match of the Year. After a great feud in 1989 is all gets wrapped it in this match. Sano's defending the IWGP Jr. title here. Liger goes all crazy in this match obviously determined to get the win but Sano's on a roll and fights right back into what's more of a knock down brawl then a scientific Juniors match.
#63. Giant Baba Vs. The Destroyer (2/3 Falls)
(245pts / 7 votes)
JWA (March 5th, 1969)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 35.0
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #63 Match: Petey Williams Vs. A.J. Styles Vs. Chris Sabin (TNA - Ultimate X match - 1/16/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: Pre-Observer
Rikidozan was a national hero in the 50's and 60's, wrestling a series of matches against loud, obnoxious and cheating American wrestlers. His TV series of matches against The Destroyer was especially famous, breaking television rating records still around today, and becoming fondly remembered to a generation of fans. After Rikidozan died his protege Giant Baba tried to take over as the new hero, a scientifically knowledgeable but still a humble, polite wrestler. In this match they try to recreate that feud. Destroyer may talk trash to the crowd and cheat but he's a great wrestler and can back up his words.
#62. Bryan Danielson Vs. Nigel McGuinness
(248pts / 11 votes)
ROH Unified (August 12th, 2006)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 22.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #62 Match: HHH Vs. Ric Flair (WWF - Cage match - 11/105)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
This is a unification match, Nigel's putting up his ROH Pure Title against Danielson's ROH World title. Whoever wins gets both belts. This also happened during ROH U.K. tour, giving Nigel his fellow countrymens support. Danielson's had the wins in their last couple of matches but Nigel look's determined not to lose this night, even when he's busted open in the ringpost and shrugs it off like the Terminator.
#61. America’s Most Wanted Vs. XXX (Cage Match)
(258pts / 13 votes)
TNA Turning Point (December 5th, 2004)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #6
Point Average: 19.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #25 [-26]
Previous PWT Top #61 Match: Randy Savage Vs. The Ultimate Warrior (WWF - Retirement Match - 3/24/91)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
Ths feud that has raged all year ends tonight inside the 6-sides of steel. An added stipulation is that whichever team loses MUST break up and never team again! Lots of blood and crazy moves helped put TNA on that map in this early monthly PPV format.
#60. Chris Benoit Vs. Chris Jericho (Ladder Match)
(263pts / 12 votes)
WWF Royal Rumble (January 21st, 2001)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 21.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #69 [+9]
Previous PWT Top #60 Match: Shawn Michaels Vs. Shelton Benjamin (WWF - 5/2/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
Their feud went on and off all of 2000, now they compete in an ultra dangerous Ladder match at the Rumble. Benoit's defending the intercontinental title here.
#59. Cactus Jack Vs. Randy Orton (Streetfight)
(268pts / 14 votes)
WWF Backlash (April 18th, 2004)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 5
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 19.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #32 [-27]
Previous PWT Top #59 Match: Kurt Angle Vs. The Undertaker (WWF - 2/19/06)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
Randy Orton has been bragging how's he's the legend killer. Well he brought down the thunder cause now legend Mic Foley transformed into the insane Cactus Jack and is gunning for him. Cactus showed he still had it with crazy moments like barbed-wrapped boards and bats, gasoline and a human pin cushion.
#58. Kurt Angle Vs. Shane McMahon (Streetfight)
(272pts / 12 votes)
WWF King of the Ring (June 24th, 2001)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 5
Highest Vote: #5
Point Average: 22.7
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #22 [-36]
Previous PWT Top #58 Match: A.J. Styles Vs. Samoa Joe (TNA - 12/11/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****
Kurt Angle was definably a dangerous man but always portrayed as a goof. Well now Shane McMahon pissed him off, causing Angle to lose the King of the Ring tournament and he's out for revenge. Angle's already wrestled twice so he may be fatigued, is it enough to give Shane a chance? Tons of highlights in this one including a shooting-Star-Shane-press, a trip through glass twice and an Angle slam off the top rope. I doubt I'd every see anyone get beat up more than Shane did in this match.
#57. C.M. Punk Vs. Samoa Joe
(275pts / 9 votes)
ROH All Star Extravaganza II (December 4th, 2004)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 30.6
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #57 Match: Kenta Kobashi Vs. Mitsuharu Misawa (All Japan - 1/20/97)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
Their first 2 matches of their 2004 trilogy were considered classics, but there was no clear cut winner. Now it's match #3 and someone gets the win. It's Samoa Joe defending his ROH World title against his nemesis. C.M. Punks gotten close, can he win the title?
#56. Dynamite Kansai & Mayumi Ozaki Vs. Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada (2/3 Falls)
(278pts / 9 votes)
All Japan Women Dream Slam II (April 11th, 1993)
Top 5 Votes: 4
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 30.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #56 Match: The Dynamite Kid Vs. Tiger Mask (New Japan - 4/21/83)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Wrestling Observer's 1993 Match of the Year. The promotion Vs. promotion rematch to the classic back in 92. Toyota/Yamada got the win the 1st round now Ozaki/Kansai are hungry to even the score. Now that the two teams know each other will the results be the same?
#55. Akira Hokuto Vs. Shinobu Kandori
(287pts / 10 votes)
All Japan Women Dream Slam (April 2nd, 1993)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #5
Point Average: 28.7
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #87 [+32]
Previous PWT Top #55 Match: Chris Benoit Vs. Kurt Angle (WWF - Cage - 6/11/01)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Another promotion Vs. promotion match. AJW's Akira Hokuto takes on Judo bronze Medalist Shinobu Kandori. Right out the gate Hokuto talks trash and gets her arm nearly broken. Add to that the piledriver threw the table and a bloody Hokuto's at a slight disadvantage already. But the problem is Hokuto just won't stay down..... Voted the #1 Joshi match of the 90's by DVDVR.
#54. Ric Flair Vs. Randy Savage
(291pts / 12 votes - TWO #1 VOTE)
WWF Wrestlemania 8 (April 5th, 1992)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 24.3
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #67 [+13]
Previous PWT Top #54 Match: Brock Lesnar Vs. Kurt Angle (WWF - Iron man match - 9/18/03)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
This isn't just about Ric Flair's WWF World title, but it's personal! Flair and adviser Mr. Perfect have claimed that Savage's old lady Elizabeth has a romantic past with the Nature Boy. The psycho Savage isn't going to take these slanders sitting down but is now thirsty for revenge! Over 62,000 fans packed the Hoosier Dome to see this long awaited match.
#53. Ric Flair Vs. Shawn Michaels
(294pts / 15 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
WWF Wrestlemania 24 (March 30th, 2008)
Top 5 Votes: 4
Top 10 Votes: 5
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 19.6
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #53 Match: Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardyz Vs. The Dudleyz (WWF - Ladder match - 4/2/00)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ***1/2
Mean old Mr. McMahon made the ultimatum, if Flair loses a match, his career is over. Well if the PWT Greatest Wrestler of all time has to end his career, why not at Wrestlemania? HBK respects the Nature boy, but he's not going to go easy of him on the grandest stage of all. And it's not all cut and dry, Flair still got a few tricks up his sleeve.
#52. The 1992 Wargames
(301pts / 12 votes)
WCW Wrestlewar (May 17th, 1992)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 25.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #52 Match: The Money in the Bank Ladder match (WWF - 4/3/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Sting, Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat and Nikita Koloff
The Dangerous Alliance (Steve Austin, Rick Rude, Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton and Larry Zbyszko)
Paul E. Dangerously and his Dangerous Alliance have been running over everyone in WCW. So a bunch of Alliance-haters formed a supergroup and challenged them to one of the most dangerous matches around: The Wargames. Two men enter, then a coin is flipped giving the winner an advantage. Every few minutes the teams take turns sending a fresh man into the cage. The catch is the match cannot end inside the two rings of cages, until all participants have entered the cage. So if you break a leg tough luck, your locked in there.
#51. Shawn Michaels Vs. HHH (Streetfight)
(304pts / 13 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
WWF Summerslam (August 25th, 2002)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 23.4
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #17 [-34]
Previous PWT Top #51 Match: Ric Flair Vs. Sting (NWA - 3/27/88)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
Thought to be forever retired due to a career ending back injury, HBK made a miraculous comeback. But right before his comeback he was brutally attacked and bloodied by a mystery man. His best friend HHH started his own Spanish Inquisition and interrogated everyone, looking for the culprit. But then it turned out that... It was HHH himself!!!! HHH's jealously of HBK holding him back all those years came out and he vows to but HBK "out of his misery" once and for all. This is HBK's first match in the WWF in over 4 years, will he be rusty? It should also be mentioned that this is an unsanctioned match, meaning the promotion is looking the other way or something.
#50. Sgt. Slaughter Vs. The Iron Sheik (Bootcamp Streetfight)
(313pts / 11 votes)
WWF (June 16th, 1984)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #5
Point Average: 28.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #50 Match: Ric Flair Vs. Terry Funk (NWA - I Quit match - 11/15/89)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
After all the derogatory remarks the Sheik has said about the red, white and blue, as well as the vicious assault on his protege, Slaughter is seething for revenge! Their earlier matches was always thwarted by the Sheiks infamous "Loaded boot of doom" or the match getting thrown out by DQ. So this match is the big one, No-DQ, anything goes! Voted the #1 WWF Match of the 80's by DVDVR.
#49. HHH Vs. Cactus Jack (Hell in the Cell)
(323pts / 15 votes)
WWF No Way Out (February 2nd, 2000)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #4
Point Average: 21.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #65 [+16]
Previous PWT Top #49 Match: Shawn Michaels Vs. Razor Ramon (WWF - Ladder match - 8/27/95)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
After their crazy streetfight at the Rumble, Cactus came up just short of winning the title. Now HHH refuses to grant him a rematch and why should he? Cactus wants another crack at the belt so bad he accepts HHH's stipulation. That if Cactus Jack loses he must retire! Cactus accepts but on one condition of his own, the match will be inside.... the HELL IN THE CELL!
#48. Blood Generation Vs. Do Fixer
(326pts / 12 votes)
ROH Supercard of Honor (March 31st, 2006)
Top 5 Votes: 4
Top 10 Votes: 5
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 27.2
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #48 Match: Jerry Lynn Vs. Rob Van Dam (ECW - 5/16/99)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Blood Generation (CIMA, Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino)
Do Fixer (Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi & Ryo Saito)
Wrestling Observer's 2006 Match of the Year. Warring Dragon Gate factions travel to the States to put on an amazing display of highspots and crazy-ass moves. Considered one of the best, if not the best ROH matches of all time.
#47. Chris Benoit Vs. The Great Sasuke
(330pts / 12 votes)
New Japan Super J Cup Finals (April 16th, 1994)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 1
Highest Vote: #10
Point Average: 27.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #66 [+19]
Previous PWT Top #47 Match: Kenta Kobashi Vs. Mitsuharu Misawa (NOAH - 3/3/03)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Considered by some the greatest wrestling show ever, the Super J Cup was a tournament featuring Crusierweights from around the globe. This is the finals pitting Chris Benoit Vs. The Great Sasuke. The match is an homage to the legendary Dynamite Kid/Tiger Mask series that influenced a generation of Jr. wrestlers.
#46. Bret Hart Vs. Steve Austin
(335pts / 9 votes - TWO #1 VOTES)
WWF Survivor Series (November 17th, 1996)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 37.2
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #46 Match: Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardyz (WWF - Ladder match - 10/17/99)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
Returning from a hiatus, Bret Hart's 1st match back is against a man on a huge winning streak, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Despite being primarily a brawler, Austin keeps up with Hart with his surprising technical skill. This feud starts off innocently enough but will continue for months to come.
#45. TLC I
(347pts / 18 votes)
WWF Summerslam (August 27th, 2000)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #5
Point Average: 19.3
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #20 [-25]
Previous PWT Top #45 Match: The Rock Vs. Steve Austin (WWF - 3/3/04)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
Upping the ante from their Wrestlemania ladder match, these three teams battle over the WWF Tag Team title in a dangerous Tables, ladders an Chairs match. Career-ending spots left and right, the carnage these guys go through is unbelievable.
#44. Dan Kroffat & Doug Furnas Vs. Kenta Kobashi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi
(351pts / 14 votes)
All Japan (May 25th, 1992)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 25.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #44 Match: Hulk Hogan Vs. The Ultimate Warrior (WWF - 4/1/90)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Wrestling Observer's 1992 Match of the Year. The Can-Am Express defend the All Asia Tag Team Titles against fan favorites Kikuchi and Kobashi. Kikuchi takes a large amount of punishment but refused to lose this match. Japanese crowds are usually docile except for the end of a match. But this may be the hottest crowd of all time. You know when there a huge pop at the end of a big match? That sound was going on all the time.
#43. Randy Savage Vs. The Ultimate Warrior
(376pts / 13 votes)
WWF Wrestlemania 7 (March 24th, 1991)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 28.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #61 [+18]
Previous PWT Top #43 Match: Eddie Guerrero Vs. Kurt Angle (WWF - 3/14/04)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
Savage caused the Ultimate Warrior to lose the World title when he conked him in the head with a scepter. So the feud has started and they agreed on the ultimate feud ending match, a retirement match. Whoever loses this match has to retire from wrestling forever. Every since Savage dumped his old lady Elizabeth, his new manager Sherri Martel has had his back. Could she be the key to defeating the unstoppable Warrior?
#42. Bret Hart Vs. Chris Benoit
(378pts / 18 votes)
WCW Nitro (October 4th, 1999)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 5
Highest Vote: #6
Point Average: 21.0
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #26 [-16]
Previous PWT Top #42 Match: Dean Malenko Vs. Eddie Guerrero (ECW - 2/3 Falls - 8/26/95)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
This was the Owen Hart tribute match broadcast on Monday Night Nitro. A scientific exhibition much like Bret and Owen's famous matches. Benoit as a fried of Owen as well as being Stampede taught was the perfect opponent. This no nonsense match was in stark contrast to most of Nitro's typical TV matches in 1999.
#41. Bret Hart Vs. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig
(384pts / 19 votes)
WWF Summerslam (August 26th, 1991)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 6
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 20.2
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #41 [-]
Previous PWT Top #41 Match: Bret Hart Vs. Curt Hennig
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****
These second generation wrestlers of Hall-of-Fame dads may have been the 2 best wrestlers in the WWF at the time. For 6 years Bret Hart has been in the tag team ranks as half of the hart Foundation. But now he’s gone solo and is eyeing his first WWF title. Intercontinental champ Hennig has been, well.. “perfect” during his reign, but has a super serious back injury. Can Hennig pull off another awesome defense or is Bret Hart due?
#40. Art Barr & Eddie Guerrero Vs. El Hijo del Santo & Octagon
(2/3 Falls - Hair Vs. Masks)
(390pts / 14 votes)
AAA When World's Collide (November 6th, 1994)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 27.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #81 [+41]
Previous PWT Top #40 Match: Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada Vs. Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa (All Japan - 6/9/95)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Much like their fathers, Eddie Guerrero and El Hijio del Santo formed a tag team. But with Art Barr's influence, Eddie turned to the dark side and turned on partner Santo Jr., claiming his own father was the better wrestler and was held down. Guerrero vows to prove he's the better wrestler as well. This is the ultimate lucha match, the heels putting their hair on the line (To be shaved live on PPV) against the sacred masks of Santo Jr & Octagon. It's all about pride and family legacy on the line in AAA's first PPV ever.
#39. Chris Jericho Vs. Shawn Michaels
(390pts / 14 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
WWF Wrestlemania 19 (March 30th, 2003)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 27.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #38 [-1]
Previous PWT Top #39 Match: C.M. Punk Vs. Samoa Joe (ROH - 10/16/04)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
Chris Jericho grew up idolizing Shawn Michaels. He practiced all his movies and mannerisms and hoped one day to achieve HBK's high status. Well now, after being the first undisputed World Champion, Jericho believes he's not only reached Michaels achievements, but has surpassed them. All that's left now is to beat the Heartbreak Kid at Wrestlemania and prove it to the world. HBK's still got some tricks up his sleeve though that Jericho may not have learned yet..
#38. The 1992 Royal Rumble
(396pts / 16 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
WWF Royal Rumble (January 19th, 1992)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 8
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 24.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #30 [-8]
Previous PWT Top #38 Match: Chris Jericho Vs. Shawn Michaels (WWF - 3/30/03)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ***3/4
When Flair left WCW he was still the World Champion. In WWF he touted himself as the "real" Worlds Champion but didn't have the WWF belt. After the Undertaker and Hogan title match was disputed, the WWF Championship was vacated and put up for grabs in the Royal Rumble. Whoever wins the Rumble is the World champ! But Flair was unlucky and drew #3 see and...
#37. The 1987 Wargames
(421pts / 12 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
NWA Great American Bash (July 4th, 1987)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 35.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #89 [+52]
Previous PWT Top #37 Match: 6-Man Hell in the Cell (WWF - 12/10/00)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
Thought up by Dusty Rhodes during a concussion haze, this was a match where a huge cage surrounded two rings. It was the Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, Lex Lugar, Arn Anderson & James J Dillion) Vs. The Guys who hate the Four Horsemen (Dusty Rhodes, Nikita Koloff, The Road Warriors & Paul Ellering). Two men start the match. 5 minutes later a coin is tossed and whichever team wins gets to put a teammate in, giving them a 2 on 1 advantage inside the cage. Then 3 minutes later the other team gets to put a guy in, evening it up. The kicker is that the match CAN NOT BE STOPPED until all 10 guys get in. Then the “Match beyond” begins and the only way to lose is to submit. Brutality. Blood. Hot crowds. Bionic Elbows. This is the NWA!
#36. Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart (Cage Match)
(423pts / 18 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
WWF Summerslam (August 29th, 1994)
Top 5 Votes: 4
Top 10 Votes: 6
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 23.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #23 [-13]
Previous PWT Top #36 Match: Mankind Vs. The Rock (I-Quit match - 1/24/99)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Owen pinned his brother cleanly at Wrestlemania 10. Later in that show Bret Hart won the world title, so now Owen knows he can beat him again and be the World Champ. This is a cage match, first person to escape wins. This match is a nice mix of old school cage wrestling (lotsa dramatic near escapes and wearing down your opponent) and the new-school cage stuff (high spots, high spots, high spots!) Who will leave Summerslam saying their the better wrestler?
#35. HHH Vs. Steve Austin (3-Stages of Hell match)
(424pts / 16 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
WWF No Way Out (February 25th, 2001)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 5
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 26.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #29 [-6]
Previous PWT Top #35 Match: Masato Tanaka Vs. Mike Awesome (WWF - 6/12/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
3-stages of hell. A 2/3 Falls match. First fall is a regular match. Second is a No-DQ anything goes streetfight. And if necessary the third fall is a steel cage match! Austin made a dramatic return from crippling injuries to win the Royal Rumble and earn a shot at the World title match at Wrestlemania 17, but he's putting that title shot on the line to finally face the man who put him on the shelf so many months ago HHH! A grueling exhausting match that proved not only that Austin still had it in him, but the Game ain't no slouch either.
#34. Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Mitsuharu Misawa
(432pts / 15 votes)
All Japan (June 8th, 1990)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 3
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 28.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #96 [+62]
Previous PWT Top #34 Match: Shawn Michaels Vs. Mankind (WWF - 9/22/96)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Over the 70's and 80's Tsuruta has slowly become a legend in All-Japan and was still at the top in 1990. In order to recreate himself Jr. Tiger Mask II dramatically tore off his mask in a tag match revealing the real wrestler underneath to the world, Mitsuharu Misawa. Now Misawa’s making his way up the Heavyweight division poised to lead All-Japan into the 90's, but is he tough enough to take the crown of All-Japan’s ace for the future?
#33. Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle Vs. Edge & Rey Mysterio Jr.
(445pts / 16 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
WWF No Mercy (October 20th, 2002)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 5
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 27.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #68 [+35]
Previous PWT Top #33 Match: The Elimination Chamber I (WWF - 11/17/02)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
Wrestling Observer's 2002 Match of the Year. Four of the Smackdown Six compete in the the finals of the 1st Ever Smackdown Tag title tournament. The WWF's answer to the "Odd Couple", Angle and Benoit are extremely talented but are always bickering between themselves over who is better. Edge and Rey Mysterio work together as a perfect machine though, and are primed and ready with a dazzling array of tag team and aerial moves to take the win. Who's the better team? Who will be the 1st ever Smackdown tag team champions? Great tag Team matches.... what a novel concept!
#32. Ric Flair Vs. Sting
(458pts / 16 votes)
NWA Clash of the Champions I (March 27th, 1988)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 28.6
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #51 [+19]
Previous PWT Top #32 Match: Cactus Jack Vs. Randy Orton (WWF Streetfight - 4/18/04)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
Wrestling Observer’s Match of the Year for 1988. Sting was just some face painted WWF-wanna be before the match. But almost an hour later he was seen as the real deal and future successor of the NWA. Flair and Sting tore it up in front of one of the hottest crowd of all-time. Jim Ross (In a great performance) nearly loses his voice by the end of the match trying to yell over the fans. This was broadcast on free TV the same day as Wrestlemania IV. The final 5 minutes or so are off-the-charts for crowd heat and excitement.
#31. Kenta Kobashi Vs. Stan Hansen
(473pts / 16 votes)
All Japan (July 29th, 1993)
Top 5 Votes: 1
Top 10 Votes: 2
Highest Vote: #4
Point Average: 29.6
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #31 Match: HHH Vs. The Rock (WWF Iron man match - 5/21/00)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Kenta Kobashi was one of the many emerging talents leading the young All-Japan charge of the 90's. It wasn't an easy start though, as Kobashi lost his first 63 matches but always showed heart with a gutsy performance. This gained the fans support for him and with that he started winning his matches and climbing up the ladder. Meanwhile All Japan legend Stan Hansen, who probably should've been slowing down after a great 80's decade, was having quite possible the best year of his 20+ yr. career. Like the old gunslinger Hansen had takes all these up-and-comers trying to make a name for themselves taking him on and had dispatched them all. So now the match is set. Unlike Kawada who got the Hansen ambush a few month before, Kobashi immediately attacks Hansen right at the bell with unbridled determination. The fans are rabid for Kobashi to somehow get the upset but he has to get passed Hansen first.
#30. TLC II
(484pts / 20 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
WWF Wrestlemania 17 (April 1st, 2001)
Top 5 Votes: 4
Top 10 Votes: 8
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 24.2
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #6 [-24]
Previous PWT Top #30 Match: The 1992 Royal Rumble (WWF - 1/19/92)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
I was lucky enough to see this live and I'm not joking when I say I was actually glad when it was over and all the guys were limping away, cause I thought someone might've actually DIED in front of me that night. They basically did all the big spots in the first TLC but added better variations and twists. First team to retrieve the tag belts hanging above with a ladder wins. Can the chairmen of the board Edge & Christian do it again? Or is the Dudley's table manners too much? Or have the Hardyz finally climbed the ladder to success? Don't look for a Dory Funk Jr/Jack Briso 60:00 classic here, but look for a mega-exciting way to spend 20 minutes with ever-increasingly dangerous highspots coming seconds apart.
#29. The Dynamite Kid Vs. Tiger Mask
(492pts / 16 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
New Japan (April 21st, 1983)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 30.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #56 [+27]
Previous PWT Top #29 Match: HHH Vs. Steve Austin (WWF - 3-Stages of hell Match - 2/25/01)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Dynamite’s never beaten Tiger Mask and that fact consumes him, will tonight be the night? This would be the last match from their famous series. Most matches age when compared to today’s high-flying style, but this match would still be a MOTYC if held today. Both guys were so far ahead of their time and influenced a countless number of future greats Cruiserweights with their exciting matches. One of the great thing about the series is how moves that worked in one match would be countered in the next, then those countered in the next meeting, etc, etc.. Proving both guys knew each other so well that getting an advantage got harder each time and that more dangerous risks would have to be taken to get the edge.
#28. Akira Taue, Toshiaki Kawada Vs. Mitsuharu Misawa & Jun Akiyama
(545pts / 15 votes)
All Japan RWTL Finals (December 6th, 1996)
Top 5 Votes: 5
Top 10 Votes: 8
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 36.3
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): UNRANKED
Previous PWT Top #28 Match: Brock Lesnar Vs. Kurt Angle (WWF - 3/30/03)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
NOTE: I got all this info from a tremendous review at Quebrada (Hope he doesn't mind!)
After Kobashi left the team and went solo, Misawa found a new tag team partner in Akiyama. Akiyama quickly proved he had talent and determination but his inexperience was his main drawback. With his new partner in crime, Misawa continued to feud against old foes Kawada & Taue. In an upset on 5/23/96 Misawa/Akiyama won the title, not so much an upset they won, but that Akiyama scored the pin on veteran Kawada. Now it's the Real World's Tournament time. They meet twice in the early rounds of the tournament. On 11/21/96 where Kawada got his revenge, winning the match by pinning Akiyama with seconds left in the match. Then met again on 11/29/96, with the Misawa/Akiyama on the verge of elimination but this time Misawa scored the win and the trip to the finals. So here we are. An entire years storyline (And more when you consider the Misawa/Kawada feud) end in one final match. Will Akiyama's inexperience hurt the team or has he more confidence now?
#27. Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Kenta Kobashi
(546pts / 17 votes)
NOAH Navigate For Evolution (March 3rd, 2003)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 4
Highest Vote: #5
Point Average: 32.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #47 [+20]
Previous PWT Top #27 Match: Hulk Hogan Vs. The Rock (WWF - 3/17/02)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Wrestling Observer's 2003 Match of the Year. After years of never slowing down Kenta Kobashi went to the see the doctor for his injuries. It turned out that he had massive injuries to pretty much everything and his knees were so shot he might have to retire. But that stubborn Kobashi rehabed like a maniac, returned to the ring and climbed the ranks up to get this World title shot against his old pal Misawa. Mitsuharu Misawa may accept the fact that his reign of one of the greatest wrestler in the World is winding down, but that doesn't mean he's not going to just roll over and stay down for the 3 count. For maybe the last time Misawa and Kobashi close out their awesome series of matches in NOAH. Insane career ending moves in this one.
#26. Mankind Vs. The Undertaker (Hell in the Cell)
(546pts / 23 votes)
WWF King of the Ring (June 28th, 1998)
Top 5 Votes: 6
Top 10 Votes: 12
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 23.7
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #12 [-14]
Previous PWT Top #26 Match: Bret Hart Vs. Chris Benoit (WCW - 10/4/99)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
J.R.: “Oh God!…… Oh my God!!”
Lawler: “That’s it he’s dead.”
J.R.: {long pause} ”Would somebody stop the damn match?”
The Undertaker had a broken ankle in this match and sucked it up, but it limited him in what he could do inside the cage. Mankind knew they had big shoes to follow up the first Hell in the Cell, which was insane. He had to do something special. What resulted was the match no one would EVER forget once they’ve seen it. Two of the craziest bumps ever to go along with one of the gutsiest performances in wrestling history. Also Mankind debuts one of his old Japanese Deathmatch props to the match. Lots of fans were created due to this match's reputation.
#25. Ric Flair Vs. Ricky Steamboat
(554pts / 20 votes)
NWA Chi-Town Rumble (February 20th, 1989)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 8
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 27.7
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #88 [+63]
Previous PWT Top #25 Match: America’s Most Wanted Vs. XXX (TNA - Cage Match - 12/5/04)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Ric Flair was on top of the world. Despite tough defenses against Sting and Lex Lugar, he had managed to keep his World title for over a year. But during a tag team match, a mystery opponent pinned him clean in the ring. Who was it? Ricky Steamboat! Flair's own nemesis is back and gunning for the title. This is the first match of their classic 1989 trilogy. This one is less a chessmatch like future matches but a faster paced match. Look for Dave Meltzer marking out in the front row.
#24. Shawn Michaels Vs. Mankind
(562pts / 22 votes)
WWF Mind Games (September 22nd, 1996)
Top 5 Votes: 2
Top 10 Votes: 6
Highest Vote: #4
Point Average: 25.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #34 [+9]
Previous PWT Top #24 Match: Bret Hart Vs. Davey Boy Smith (WWF - 8/29/92)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
Talk about a clash of styles. Although Mankind in a pre-promo, screamed that he doesn’t want to be a “sexy boy”, he’ll gladly destroy HBK and give the World title to uncle Paul Bearer. Shawn Michaels meanwhile is visibly shaken in his pre-match promo. When their usual offense isn’t working, both guy have to adapt to each other mid-match with HBK getting more aggressive and Mankind surprisingly playing it smart. I think this is the only match where somebody was actually smart enough to work on Mankind's hand, preventing the mandible claw from coming into play. Two of the greatest bumpers of all-time put on a 30 minute clinic that literally saved the show. A great, super underrated match of the 90’s.
#23. Kenta Kobashi Vs. Samoa Joe
(573pts / 19 votes - TWO #1 VOTES)
ROH Joe Vs. Kobashi (October 1st, 2005)
Top 5 Votes: 4
Top 10 Votes: 6
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 30.2
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #15 [-8]
Previous PWT Top #23 Match: Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart (WWF Cage match - 8/29/94)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Wrestling Observer's 2005 Match of the Year. Kobashi travels to the States and ROH to put on a dream match. Even though it was just an “indy” match, this is possibly the two best wrestlers at the time from their respective Hemispheres squaring off. The ROH crowd greeted Kobashi with a thunderous applause but the fans are for both guys. Bits of Samoa Joe's chest was chopped off and turned into confetti, landing throughout the first four rows.
#22. Bret Hart Vs. Davey Boy Smith
(573pts / 22 votes)
WWF Summerslam (August 29th, 1992)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 8
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 26.0
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #24 [+2]
Previous PWT Top #22 Match: Kurt Angle Vs. Shane McMahon (WWF Streetfight - 6/22/01)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
Vince was worried that with Hogan gone there’s no way they could fill Wembley Stadium, especially with these vanilla midgets Stampeders Bret Hart and Davey Boy Smith in the main event. 80,355 fans later McMahon was proven wrong. Both guys are fan favorites, but hometown Davey Boy’s the definite crowd favorite. Bret Hart is his brother-in-law and is defending the Intercontinental title. Who will win between these two Dynamite Kid trained Superstars? Will the Hart family be in ruins?
#21. Kenta Kobashi Vs. Mitsuharu Misawa
(585pts / 17 votes - THREE #1 VOTES)
All-Japan New Year’s Giant Series (January 20th, 1997)
Top 5 Votes: 5
Top 10 Votes: 8
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 34.4
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #57 [+36]
Previous PWT Top #21 Match: Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Toshiaki Kawada (All japan - 6/3/94)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
These two former tag team partners clash over the Triple-Crown. Kobashi's finally made it to the top and is the All-Japan Triple Crown Champion, but he's never beaten Mitsuharu Misawa. Can Kobashi break the Misawa curse and turn back his greatest challenge to the crown? Or will Misawa continue his dominance of All-Japan? Epic match with tons of crazy moves, nearfalls and a hot crowd.
#20. Magnum T.A. Vs. Tully Blanchard (I-Quit Cage Match)
(605pts / 22 votes)
NWA Starcade (November 28th, 1985)
Top 5 Votes: -
Top 10 Votes: 5
Highest Vote: #8
Point Average: 27.5
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #95 [+75]
Previous PWT Top #20 Match: TLC I (WWF - 8/27/00)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ???
For months Tully Blanchard had been ducking and retaining his U.S. title from Magnum T.A. with tons of interference (Babydoll, James J. Dillion, the Four Horsemen).. But now there is NO WHERE to run inside the confines of the steel cage! Not only is this in a cage, but it’s also an “I-Quit” match, meaning the only way for the match to end is for the loser to admit to the crowd he can’t continue. The better man is sure to win this barbaric match and end this feud. This was a true Hell-in-the-Cell and was more a felony then a match.
#19. C.M. Punk Vs. Samoa Joe
(625pts / 19 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
ROH Joe Vs. Punk II (October 16th, 2004)
Top 5 Votes: 7
Top 10 Votes: 8
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 32.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #39 [+20]
Previous PWT Top #19 Match: Ricky Steamboat Vs. Ric Flair (NWA - 5/7/89)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
The first match went the 60:00 min draw, so this is the rematch to see who the better man is. Once again it's Samoa Joe defending his ROH Championship against Punk. Punk seems more confident now, as he knows Joe's moves and gameplan.. Can he end Joe's 18month strangehold on the title?
#18. HHH Vs. Cactus Jack (Streetfight)
(660pts / 23 votes)
WWF Royal Rumble (January 23rd, 2000)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 8
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 28.7
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #14 [-4]
Previous PWT Top #18 Match: Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. (WCW - Title Vs. Mask - 10/26/97)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
HHH and Stephanie McMahon have terrorized the WWF since taking over, even firing Mankind just for fun. Finally all of the WWF roster (lead by The Rock) said they will all walk out on their candy asses and quit unless HHH/Stephanie reinstate Mankind. They agree, and not only that but they also give Mankind a shot at HHH's title at The Royal Rumble! HHH kicks his ass on TV before then. Mankind goes back on TV and says that beating he gave him was so bad that he doesn't think he's in shape physically or mentally to face HHH at the Rumble. But he knows someone who is...... CACTUS JACK!!!!! The crazed madman who fought in the all those deathmatches in Japan is back with a vengeance! Cactus Jack feels no pain! The dude’s freaking bananas. And now he’s pissed off too!
This match is a No-DQ Streetfight! Can HHH rise to the occasion to defend his title in such a dangerous match, or will it be the Cactus Jack show? Cactus Jack ain't dealing with a full deck of cards. This match has everything. Chairs. Bent Chairs. Broken Chairs. Broken HHH’s. Regular tables. Spanish Announce tables. Bats. Barbed Wire. Splinters. A fan who looks like Mickey Rooney. Handcuffs. Blood. Harsh language. And Thumbtacks. Thumbtacks! Thumbtacks by gawd!!! BANG! BANG!
#17. Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels (60 Minute Iron-Man Match)
(671pts / 23 votes)
WWF Wrestlemania 12 (March 31st, 1996)
Top 5 Votes: 6
Top 10 Votes: 9
Highest Vote: #3
Point Average: 29.2
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #4 [-13]
Previous PWT Top #17 Match: Shawn Michaels Vs. HHH (WWF - Streetfight - 8/25/02)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/4
The two best wrestlers, and two biggest fan favorites, in the WWF finally meet at Wrestlemania. But it’s not just a regular match. Nope, it’s a 60:00 min Iron-man match, maybe the most grueling match you can have. The man with the most number of falls (wins) within the hour is the WWF World Champion. HBK’s got the aerial move and risky highspots. Bret’s got the ground game and the Stu Hart trained submission skills. Which wrestler gets to claim to be THE best in the WWF?
#16. Kurt Angle Vs. Shawn Michaels
(731pts / 26 votes - TWO #1 VOTES)
WWF Wrestlemania 21 (April 3rd, 2005)
Top 5 Votes: 7
Top 10 Votes: 15
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 28.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #2 [-14]
Previous PWT Top #16 Match: Ricky Steamboat Vs. Ric Flair (NWA 2/3 Falls - 4/2/89)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
Kurt Angle may be the best wrestler on the Smackdown brand. Shawn Michaels may be the best wrestler in the RAW brand. Now they finally have their long awaited inter-promotional dream match at Wrestlemania. Both men are representing their locker rooms as well as their own reputations. Both men also boast winning all the titles in the WWF. Kurt Angle seems to have the edge, but HBK is always full of tricks, especially at Wrestlemania where he shines like no other. Is Angle's submission and mat work too much for HBK? Or does Shawn's never-say-die attitude and willingness to take risks give him the victory?
#15. Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Benoit
(738pts / 24 votes - TWO #1 VOTES)
WWF Royal Rumble (January 19th, 2003)
Top 5 Votes: 9
Top 10 Votes: 13
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 30.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #13 [-2]
Previous PWT Top #15 Match: Kenta Kobashi Vs. Samoa Joe (ROH - 10/1/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
Angle has been ducking his former tag team partner Benoit for months since winning the World title. He's has his flunkies Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjmain act as a shield for him. But now this is it. It's one-on-one. These guys are so evenly matched and know each other so well that the winner may only be determined by the one who makes a mistake first or who can outlast the other. The match was so good and appreciated, that the crowd gave the loser a standing ovation after the match!
#14. HHH Vs. Chris Benoit Vs. Shawn Michaels
(747pts / 24 votes - FOUR #1 VOTES)
WWF Wrestlemania 20 (March 14th, 2004)
Top 5 Votes: 10
Top 10 Votes: 16
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 31.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #3 [-11]
Previous PWT Top #14 Match: Cactus Jack Vs. HHH (WWF Streetfight - 1/23/00)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
Despite drawing #1, Benoit won the Royal Rumble, earning a chance at the World title at Wrestlemania. But Shawn Michaels isn't through with HHH yet, so he got his name on the contract too, making the main event a 3-way match. HHH is obsessed with keeping the WWF World title. Can Benoit fullfill his dream of winning the World title at Wrestlemania? Or will the showstopah HBK steal the show and the title one last time? Shawn bleeds a Mutoh % for his art.
#13. Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi Vs. Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada
(762pts / 20 votes - FIVE #1 VOTES)
All-Japan Super Power Series (June 9th, 1995)
Top 5 Votes: 11
Top 10 Votes: 14
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 38.1
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #40 [+27]
Previous PWT Top #13 Match: Chris Benoit Vs. Kurt Angle (WWF - 1/19/03)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Four of the best give four of their individual best wrestling performances in one single match. Mitsuharu Misawa is still All-Japan's champ and Kawada seems obsessed with defeating him after coming so close so many times but never getting that elusive pin. Akira Taue has had a banner year nearly winning the 1995 Champions Carnival but falling just short in the finals against, you guessed it, Misawa. So both Kawada & Taue are psyched up to give Misawa his long awaited comeuppance. Meanwhile Kenta Kobashi has also been improving and is more than the equal to both Kawada/Taue. Taue & Kawada mercilessly attack Kobashi's knee putting him nearly out of the match (but he refuses to stay down). So at the end it's Misawa who has to weather both Kawada & Taue's wrath. Can he and Kobashi do it and defend their All japan Unified Tag Titles? These four were at their peak in this awesome match.
#12. The Rock Vs. Steve Austin
(831pts / 31 votes - THREE #1 VOTES)
WWF Wrestlemania 17 (April 1st, 2001)
Top 5 Votes: 7
Top 10 Votes: 14
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 26.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #11 [-1]
Previous PWT Top #12 Match: Mankind Vs. The Undertaker (WWF Hell in the Cell - 6/28/98)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
Steve Austin broke his neck in a match against Owen Hart at Summerslam 1997. Despite needing surgery and months off, he kept wrestling, won the WWF World title, and basically put the whole company on his broken body and pulled the WWF past WCW in the ratings. Time, wear and tear have finally caught up to him and after [kayfabe] being hit by a car in 1999 [/kayfabe], Steve Austin engaged in a massive rehabilitation program to come back. He won the Royal Rumble and earned a shot at the WWF World title at Wrestlemania 17. The current Champion? The Rock. Now the two most popular wrestlers in the company square off in a dream match-up in Austin's home state of Texas in front of over 67,000 fans! Austin will do anything it takes to win the title back. Anything.
#11. Ric Flair Vs. Terry Funk (I Quit Match)
(888pts / 27 votes)
NWA Clash of the Champions IX: New York Knockout (November 15th, 1989)
Top 5 Votes: 3
Top 10 Votes: 12
Highest Vote: #4
Point Average: 32.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #50 [+39]
Previous PWT Top #11 Match: The Rock Vs. Steve Austin (WWF - 4/1/01)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Flair and Funk had been feuding for months. Funk not only nearly broke Flair’s neck and took him out of wrestling forever, but even put a plastic bag around his neck and tried to suffocate him!! So they’ve decided on a end-all to any feud, an I-Quit match! Both men have too much pride to concede that the other man is better. Also, right before the match both guys decided to quit the NWA if they lose! A crazy historical brawl on free TV.
#10. A.J. Styles Vs. Christopher Daniels Vs. Samoa Joe
(897pts / 29 votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
TNA Unbreakable (September 11th, 2005)
Top 5 Votes: 10
Top 10 Votes: 14
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 30.9
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #10 [-]
Previous PWT Top #10 Match: A.J. Styles Vs. Christopher Daniels Vs. Samoa Joe (TNA - 9/11/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Christopher Daniels has held the X-Division title for nearly half-a-year and was as obsesed with keeping it. Samoa Joe was on an incredible rampage and was undefeated since joining TNA. A.J. Styles is "Mr. TNA", but has suffered a loss to Samoa Joe previously. For nearly 30 incredible minutes, all 3 men showcased what they and the TNA X-Division was all about. Stiff kicks, jaw dropping aerial tactics and moves that you wouldn't expect to ever see from these guys.
#9. Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. (Title Vs. Mask)
(934pts / 35 Votes)
WCW Halloween Havoc (October 26th, 1997)
Top 5 Votes: 5
Top 10 Votes: 10
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 26.7
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #18 [+9]
Previous PWT Top #9 Match: Shawn Michaels Vs. The Undertaker (WWF Hell in the Cell - 10/5/97)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
Rey Mysterio finally gets his chance to win the WCW Crusierweight title, but he has to put his sacred mask on the line! Can Rey overcome the odds over Guerrero, who’s on an incredible hot streak? This is aerial moves galore. Guerrero just seems one step ahead at all times, but Rey refuses to surrender his mask!! He won’t stay down!! This is not only for himself, but for his family's wrestling legacy. Voted the #1 WCW match of the 90's by DVDVR.
#8. Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart
(949pts / 30 Votes - TWO #1 VOTES)
WWF Wrestlemania 10 (March 20th, 1994)
Top 5 Votes: 5
Top 10 Votes: 12
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 31.6
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #7 [-1]
Previous PWT Top #8 Match: Shawn Michaels Vs. Razor Ramon (WWF Ladder match - 3/30/94)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****3/4
For the past few months Owen had been blaming his older brother Bret for their tag losses. Finally after one such loss he snapped and attacked Bret's already injured leg then left. He says that his older brother has been keeping him down and that he' the better wrestler and now he's about to prove it. Bret didn’t want to fight his brother but finally he agreed, to put an end to this once and for all. For a match no one really cared about, this turned out to be maybe the greatest opening match in history! It was like nothing the WWF had ever seen before. Two wrestlers wrestling. With counters, reversals, mat wrestling, submission wrestling and near falls. Plus maybe the biggest upset of all time! Voted the #1 WWF match of the 90's by DVDVR.
#7. Randy Savage Vs. Ricky Steamboat
(1016pts / 31 Votes - ONE #1 VOTES)
WWF Wrestlemania 3 (March 29th, 1987)
Top 5 Votes: 9
Top 10 Votes: 17
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 32.8
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #5 [-2]
Previous PWT Top #7 Match: Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart (WWF - 3/20/94)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: ****1/2
Wrestling Observer’s 1987 Match of the Year. In the NWA and Mid-Atlantic promotions Ricky Steamboat was touted as being a future World Champion. He went to the WWF in 85 and mirred in the mid-card. Finally he got a chance at the Intercontinental title against the red-hot Randy Savage which ended tragically when Savage put Steamboat throat first on the steel railing and hit a double axe handle from the top rope onto him!!! Back then Savage’s outside double axe handle was so dangerous it was talked about being banned from the sport, so when this happened you might as well have brought the coffin out and scheduled the funeral. But months later and raspy Ricky Steamboat tore off his neck caste and called out Savage for a revenge match at Wrestlemania!
The match was nothing the WWF had seen before with some super fast wrestling sequences and dramatic nearfalls. It was proof that you didn’t need all gimmicks and 15min headlocks to get the crowd interested in a match. Savage even took the crazy HBK/Terry Funk-like backdrop bump to the outside. The crowd was firmly behind Steamboat but Savage showed why he was champ for nearly 18 months. Jesse Ventura said it best when he blurted out in the middle of the match, like a mark, that “This is the greatest match I’ve ever seen”. Andre/Hogan sold the show, but Steamboat/Savage stole the show.
#6. Shawn Michaels Vs. The Undertaker (Hell in the Cell)
(1036pts / 33 Votes - ONE #1 VOTES)
WWF Bad Blood (October 5th, 1997)
Top 5 Votes: 9
Top 10 Votes: 15
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 31.4
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #9 [+3]
Previous PWT Top #6 Match: TLC II (WWF - 4/1/01)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
This match is a bit undershadowed because of the 98 Hell-in-the-Cell, but if that match had never happened, people would still be talking about what insane and crazy bumps took place in this one. After Shawn finally “found his smile”, he came back and agreed to referee the Undertaker Vs. Bret Hart title match at Summerslam 97. At the end of the match HBK went to hit his rival Bret, but Bret ducked and he hit taker instead!! Shawn had no choice but to make the count and Taker lost the World title. HBK screwed Undertaker? Instead of apologizing, HBK gloated and even got more cheap chairshots in on Taker. He kept running so a lumberjack match was set up, but HBK even managed to get out of that one. So now a new match was devised just for this feud. The Hell-in-the-Cell, a huge steel cage with a roof on the top ensuring no escape possible. Now Shawn’s gotta put up or shut up. One of the WORST ass-kicking ever… And maybe the greatest cage match ever.
#5. Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Toshiaki Kawada
(1039pts / 26 Votes - FIVE #1 VOTES)
All-Japan Super Power Series (June 3rd, 1994)
Top 5 Votes: 15
Top 10 Votes: 20
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 40.0
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #21 [+16]
Previous PWT Top #5 Match: Ricky Steamboat Vs. Randy Savage (WWF - 3/29/87)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
They started their career’s as friends and tag team partners ushering in a new era of All-Japan. But by the time this match rolled around their were bitter rivals feuding over the All-Japan Triple Crown Championship. It seems like the stars all aligned this night for Kawada to win the title, he's at his peak of his career. A big epic feel like an old school prize winning fight lingers in the air for this match.
If becomes apparent right away that both guys know each well so from their previous teaming/matches. After awhile it's the big moves that take it's toll. But both guys won't lose! Kawada begins to get obsessed with winning the match, then even desperate. Kawada has the advantage going into the home stretch but can he put Misawa away? Can he finally pin the #1 ace of All-japan and ascend his rightful throne?
#4. Ricky Steamboat Vs. Ric Flair
(1062pts / 29 Votes - ONE #1 VOTES)
NWA Wrestlewar (May 7th, 1989)
Top 5 Votes: 8
Top 10 Votes: 15
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 36.6
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #19 [+15]
Previous PWT Top #4 Match: Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels (WWF Iron Man match - 3/31/96)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Part 3 of their 1989 trilogy. Steamboat's still the NWA World champ. This is the rematch due to the controversy caused in their Clash of the Champions match. Is this Flair’s last chance to finally beat The Dragon? They build on some of the moves from their past matches much like the Dynamite Kid/Tiger mask series. Since the Clash match was so close and nearly went the distance, there’s a panel of judges outside to vote on the winner in case their’s a draw. This is a slower paced match of the trilogy likely because both guys know each other so well and don't want to make a mistake their opponent could capitalize on.
#3. Shawn Michaels Vs. Razor Ramon (Ladder Match)
(1063pts / 34 Votes)
WWF Wrestlemania 10 (March 20th, 1994)
Top 5 Votes: 8
Top 10 Votes: 14
Highest Vote: #2
Point Average: 31.3
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #8 [+5]
Previous PWT Top #3 Match: Chris Benoit Vs. Shawn Michaels Vs. HHH (WWF - 3/14/04)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Wrestling Observer's 1994 Match of the Year. The Intercontinental title was up for grabs as both guys had claim for the belt. You gotta keep something in mind here. Back then the very few ladder matches only used the ladder to climb up and grab the belts/money /whatever for the win. Sometimes the ladder came into play, but only for the final spot or to knock someone off. No one actually thought that the ladder could be used as a weapon, for the whole match! Not only that, but it introduced the concept of constant highspots/bumps, making the fans ohhh and ahhh for every move until the big finish. Both men took jaw dropping bumps and made superstars of themselves overnight. Ramon was good, but it was HBK who really shined on and went from awesome mid-carder to a very possible future World Champion.
#2. Ricky Steamboat Vs. Ric Flair (2/3 Falls)
(1380pts / 38 Votes - ONE #1 VOTE)
NWA Clash of the Champions VI (April 2nd, 1989)
Top 5 Votes: 15
Top 10 Votes: 25
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 36.3
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #16 [+14]
Previous PWT Top #2 Match: Shawn Michaels Vs. Kurt Angle (WWF - 4/3/05)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Wrestling Observer's 1989 Match of the Year. Match #2 in the classic trilogy. This was shown free on TV head to head with Wrestlemania 5. That punk Steamboat got lucky but now Flair’s ready and hungry to regain the NWA World Championship, a belt he has basically owned for the last 8 years. Every fall tells a different story. Both guys are at their peak and may have been the two greatest wrestlers in the world at the time of this match. Both guys attitudes and lifestyles and complete opposites, but they're absolutely even in the ring. One mistake, that's all it'll take.
#1. Bret Hart Vs. Steve Austin (I-Quit Match)
(1635pts / 43 Votes - SEVEN #1 VOTES)
WWF Wrestlemania 13 (March 23rd, 1997)
Top 5 Votes: 27
Top 10 Votes: 32
Highest Vote: #1
Point Average: 38.0
Previous PWT Top 100 Ranking (2006): #1 [-]
Previous PWT Top #1 Match: Bret Hart Vs. Steve Austin (WWF - I-Quit match - 3/23/97)
Wrestling Observer Star Rating: *****
Wrestling Observer's 1997 Match of the Year. Yes I know it's a "submission match" but I-Quit sounds cooler. These guys meet at Survivor Series 1996 where Hart barely escaped in a great technical match. Who knew Steve Austin could actually wrestle? Austin lost though and he remembered it. A few months later at the Royal Rumble, Austin made a huge name for himself, lasting nearly the entire match to win it all. Bret Hart had eliminated Austin legally but the refs didn’t see it. Austin came back in and eliminated Bret to win and get revenge. And Bret remembered it. Now after further months of feuding at a standstill, both men have decided to the end-all to any feud, an I-Quit match. Bret has the advantage with his submission skills, but no one could imagine Austin would ever quit. Who would win?
The match started with Bret coming out to cheers while the hated Austin was booed. They started brawling throughout the crowd, something that hadn’t been seen in the WWF before. Back in the ring and they traded submission work. In both styles they were even so they just went off and tried whatever they can do to get the submission. Austin became a star in this match. I’m not going to tell you the winner, but you should know it by now. If you don’t… GO watch the match! It's not the #1 match AGAIN for no reason!
OK that's it. Cya you guys next time.